Willi's 7 Springs | 814.352.7611

Willi's Seven Springs Location

Seven Springs Location is now moving to Spring Hours to be dictated by Slope Hours

UPDATE! We will be closed at 5pm Sunday 3/23/25

Seven Springs is still showing lift tickets being sold for Friday - Sunday 3/28/25 - 3/20/25 but if this changes, we will not be open that weekend - please make arrangements to pick up any skis/boots/snowboards still at our 7 Springs location ASAP.

Monday - Thursday CLOSED

Friday 9am - 8pm

Saturday - Sunday 8am - 8pm

Our Spring Hours will be dictated by the Slope Hours - we will do our best to provide updated information but may close early on some days.

The last day open is currently slated for March 30, 2025 but keep an eye out - if the slopes are closed, we are closed!

Please note that if slope hours change, our store hours will adjust accordingly

We are excited it has been another great season at Seven Springs! We are ready to help you to enjoy what remains of winter - we will be open for Hours as dictated by Slope Hours.


Gear up your family with all of the latest equipment and apparel. We are proud to offer our Free for 5 and Under and Junior Buy-Back programs at our 7 Springs location.

Come see us this fall and THINK SNOW!